For Registered Authors Only
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Interested in attending the 2016 Conference?
If you're an established romance author interested in attending this author conference, please submit the form below to request an invite (the registration page is password-protected). Please be advised, the conference sessions will be highly advanced in nature, particularly in the area of marketing -- there will be no introductory topics covered. The panels, workshops, and industry specialist collaboration events are similarly designed to address the needs of bestselling authors.
Note: All 2016 registration slots filled up within a week, and the waitlist went up to 300+ authors
We are saddened to report that plans for the 2018 conference are on hold indefinitely as Violet undergoes aggressive new treatments for multiple failing organs (she's on total medical leave). If her prognosis improves, we will be sure to announce here and on social media on future possibilities.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (Violet Duke) at
If you don't get a response within a week, the spam filters may have snagged it so please email back again.